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Best Cyprus Universities: Comparison by key criteria

The best universities in Cyprus

Cyprus is not only a picturesque island with a soft climate and beautiful beaches, but also a promising place for higher education. Here are prestigious universities that offer a wide selection of programs, international cooperation and affordable training conditions for students from around the world.

Однако, при выборе университета важно учитывать несколько факторов: качество образования, стоимость обучения, условия проживания, возможности международного обмена и гранты. В этой статье мы подробно сравним ведущие университеты Кипра по ключевым критериям, чтобы помочь вам выбрать лучшее учебное заведение, соответствующее вашим целям и возможностям.

What will you find in this article?

  • The main information about each university (year of foundation, number of students, official website).
  • Data on international recognition, accreditation and partnerships.
  • Comparison of curricula and academic capabilities.
  • Analysis of the cost of training, accommodation and additional costs.
  • The terms of receipt, language requirements and entrance exams.
  • Available discounts and grants for students.

Если вы планируете учиться в Кипре, эта статья станет для вас подробным гидом, который поможет определиться с выбором лучшего университета для вашего будущего!

1. Basic information

UniversityYear of foundationThe number of studentsOfficial site
University of creative art and design20101,500ucad.ac.cy
Cyprus Scientific University20132,000csu.ac.cy
European University Lefke19908,000eul.edu.tr
Cyprus International University199718,000ciu.edu.tr
International University Final20151,200Final.edu.tr
Middle Eastern University198826,000neu.edu.tr
University of Cyrian20133,000kyrenia.edu.tr
Eastern Mediterranean University197920,000Emu.edu.tr
American University of Gurnne198515,000gau.edu.tr

2. International recognition and cooperation

UniversityInternational recognitionPartnership and programs abroad
University of creative art and designAccreditation from European agenciesPartnerships with universities in the UK and Italy
Cyprus Scientific UniversityMember of the European Association of UniversitiesUniversities exchange programs in Germany and France
European University LefkeInternational accreditation and membership in associationsPartnerships with more than 60 universities around the world
Cyprus International UniversityAccreditation from international organizationsStudents exchange programs with universities in the USA and Canada
International University FinalMember of international educational networksCooperation with universities in Turkey and the UK
Middle Eastern UniversityHigh positions in international ratingsPartnerships with more than 100 universities, including double diplomas programs
University of CyrianInternational accreditation in the field of marine sciences and aviationCooperation with naval academies and aviation schools in Europe
Eastern Mediterranean UniversityMember of the International Association of UniversitiesExchange and double diplomas programs with universities in Australia and Asia
American University of GurnneInternational accreditation and membership in global educational networksPartnerships with universities in the USA, Europe and Asia, including exchange programs and joint research

3. Clothing program and academic capabilities

UniversityThe main areas of trainingFeatures of academic programs
University of creative art and designArt, design, fashionPractical and oriented programs with participation in international exhibitions
Cyprus Scientific UniversityEngineering, business, information technologyModern laboratories and participation in research projects
European University LefkeHumanities, engineering, economicsWide selection of programs in English and the possibility of internships
Cyprus International UniversityMedicine, engineering, architectureInnovative curricula and modern campuses
International University FinalBusiness, law, social sciencesEmphasis on practical training and development of entrepreneurial skills
Middle Eastern UniversityMedicine, pharmacy, engineeringOwn hospitals and research centers
University of CyrianSea sciences, aviation, engineeringSpecialized programs with practical trainings on their own ships and aircraft
Eastern Mediterranean UniversityEngineering, business, artInternational recognized programs and the possibility of participation in exchange programs
American University of GurnneBusiness, architecture, artAmerican education system with flexible curricula and the possibility of double diplomas

4. The cost of training and accommodation

UniversityThe cost of training (per year)Cost of residence (per month)Additional expenses
University of creative art and designfrom € 5,000from € 300Training materials
Cyprus Scientific Universityfrom € 4,500from € 250Laboratory fees
European University Lefkefrom € 4,000from € 200Transportation costs
Cyprus International Universityfrom € 6,000from € 350Medical insurance
International University Finalfrom € 4,200from € 220Excursion trips
Middle Eastern Universityfrom € 5,500from € 300Sports events
University of Cyrianfrom € 4,800from € 280Field research
Eastern Mediterranean Universityfrom € 5,200from € 270Cultural events

5. Conditions of receipt

UniversityIntroductory examsLanguage requirementsThe average score of the certificate
University of creative art and designNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher
Cyprus Scientific UniversityNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher
European University LefkeNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher
Cyprus International UniversityNoIELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 8065% and higher
International University FinalNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher
Middle Eastern UniversityNoIELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 8065% and higher
University of CyrianNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher
Eastern Mediterranean UniversityYes (for some programs)IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 8070% and higher
American University of GurnneNoIELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 7060% and higher

6. Discounts and grants

UniversityAcademic discountsSports grantsGrants for foreign studentsAdditional support programs
University of creative art and designUp to 50%YesYesScholarships for creative merits
Cyprus Scientific UniversityUp to 40%YesYesDiscounts for large families
European University LefkeUp to 50%YesYesSocial grants
Cyprus International UniversityUp to 75%YesYesGrants for academic achievements
International University FinalUp to 50%YesYesDiscounts for payment for hostel
Middle Eastern UniversityUp to 80%YesYesGrants for students from the CIS
University of CyrianUp to 50%YesYesFinancial assistance to students
Eastern Mediterranean UniversityUp to 75%YesYesSpecial discounts for high results at school
American University of GurnneUp to 60%YesYesGrants for talented students


The choice of university is an important solution that depends on many factors: academic programs, training costs, living conditions, international recognition, and scholarships.

Based on a comparative analysis, several key conclusions can be distinguished:

  • Если приоритет – международное признание и академический престиж, то лучшими вариантами станут Ближневосточный Университет (NEU), Восточно-Средиземноморский Университет (EMU) и Кипрский Международный Университет (CIU), так как они предлагают программы обмена, двойные дипломы и активно сотрудничают с зарубежными вузами.
  • Для студентов, желающих обучаться в творческой среде, отличным вариантом является Университет Креативного Искусства и Дизайна (UCAD), где упор сделан на практическое обучение в сфере искусства, моды и дизайна.
  • Если важен баланс между качеством образования и стоимостью обучения, то стоит обратить внимание на Европейский Университет Лефке (EUL) и Кипрский Научный Университет (CSU), которые предлагают доступные цены и достойное академическое образование.
  • Для желающих получить медицинское образование Ближневосточный Университет (NEU) и Кипрский Международный Университет (CIU) предоставляют современные учебные программы, лаборатории и клинические базы.
  • Если важны гранты и скидки, то лучшими вариантами являются Ближневосточный Университет (до 80% скидки), Восточно-Средиземноморский Университет (до 75%) и Кипрский Международный Университет (до 75%).
  • For those who are looking for training in the field of sea and aviation sciences the University of Cyrian, specializing in these areas, will be the best choice

Each of the universities offers unique advantages, and the choice depends on individual goals, financial capabilities and academic preferences. The main thing is to decide on the priorities and choose a university that matches your expectations and career ambitions as much as possible.

If you need help in choosing a university or additional information, please contact!

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