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Albanian Riviera vs. Northern Cyprus: a detailed comparison in all parameters

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The Albanian Riviera - the coast of the Ionian Sea from the flights to the locust - is rapidly turning into a new Mediterranean resort hit. At the same time, the Northern Cyprus (the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) attracts those who are looking for a warm climate, the sea and attractive living conditions. How do these areas differ? Below is a detailed analysis according to 11 key criteria: from geography and climate to taxes and culture, with real data and facts for 2023–2024 .

1. Geography and climate: Mediterranean shores and risks of nature

Square and population. Albania is a small country in the Balkans with an area of ​​28,748 km² and a population of about 2.8 million people

northern Cyprus is almost 8 times less than Albania through the territory

The Albanian Riviera occupies the southern coast of Albania (Vleter and Saranda County) is only part of the country, but the most touristly developed. For comparison, Northern Cyprus (TRSK) is an unrecognized state in the northeast about. Cyprus with an area of ​​about 3 355 km² (about a third of the island) and a population of about 380 thousand people .

Relief and coast. The Albanian Riviera is a mountainous coast with picturesque cliffs and bays. The coastline is cut, beaches are more often pebble or with large sand , the water is very transparent. The mountains descend directly to the sea, creating spectacular landscapes. The fabric is located at the confluence of the Adriatic and Ionical Seas, and the Saranda is almost opposite the Greek Island of Corfu. The northern Cyprus has a more even coast: on the north and eastern shore, long beaches with golden sand ( Golden Beach on the Karpaz Peninsula). The relief of the North Chipsrov is less mountainous: the mountains of Cyrian stretch along the part of the coast, but the plain of Mesorius extends to the south. The access to the sea is from almost any point - the width of the TRK does not exceed 65 km. Both regions are rich in beaches , but their character is different: Albania - rocky bays and observation points, northern Cyprus - wide sand strips.


Climate and weather. Both directions lie in the subtropical Mediterranean climate with hot dry summer and soft, wet winter. However, there are differences in details. The Albanian Riviera is characterized by higher humidity in summer and a large amount of precipitation in winter due to the proximity of the mountains. Average temperatures on the coast of Albania: January about +9 ° C, August about +27 ° C

In summer, heat is frequent +30 ... +35 ° C, and the absolute maximum reached +42 ° C (in July 2023)

Winter is soft, sometimes under the influence of continental air masses, cool days are possible (~ 0 ...+5 ° C at night). The annual rainfall in the flight is ~ 1075 mm, and up to 60% of the rains falls in December -February. The most rainy month is November (~ 170 mm of precipitation), the dryest is July (~ 20 mm). There are a lot of sun: about 2,700 hours a year (in the summer of up to 10-12 hours of the Sun per day).

In Northern Cyprus, the climate is even more dry. Summer is extremely hot and dry: in the low -powered internal plain of Mesaria, the temperature can reach +40 ... 45 ° C

On the coast, the heat is softened by sea breeze, and relative humidity is higher (especially on the carpaz)

Winter is short, soft: in the afternoon +15 ... +18 ° C, at night about +8 ... +10 ° C. The average annual rainfall is noticeably less than in Albania - about 400-500 mm per year

The main rains are from December to February (for these 3 months ~ 60% of the annual norm)

Summer almost without rains-the plains burned with the sun by August become brown-gold. Snow is a rarity, sometimes it falls only in the mountains of Cyrian. Solar watches are even more - up to 3400 per year , that is, the sky is clear most of the time.

Sea and bathing season. The ionic sea off the coast of Albania warms up in the summer to +24 ... 26 ° C. The bathing season lasts from about June to September, on small beaches - from May to October. In Northern Cyprus, the sea is warmer: in August, about +28 ° C (Mediterranean Sea in the eastern part is warmer than ionic). Swimming comfortably from May and until the beginning of November. In winter, the water temperature is ~+16 ... 17 ° C (some enthusiasts bathe all year round). The beaches of the northern Cyprus are famous for the gentle entrance to the water and soft sand, while on the Albanian Riviera, the depth is often gained quickly, and the shore is covered with pebbles-for children, for example, the Kamil resort (small sandy lagons).

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The risks of natural disasters. Albania, located at the junction of tectonic plates, is more susceptible to earthquakes. In 2019, a strong impetus of a magnitude of 6.4 near Durres led to destruction

Although epicenters are more often in the north-west of the country, tremors are felt everywhere. Albania also suffers from floods on rivers and landslides in the mountains for rainfalls - in terms of risks, the country leads in Europe in terms of danger of natural cataclysms (after Russia)

The southern coast is less susceptible to floods, but in the mountains of Riviera, forest fires are possible in a dry summer. Northern Cyprus, on the contrary, is seismically more calm. The main fault zone takes place south, off the coast of the Republic of Cyprus, so many decades have not recorded large earthquakes Experts note that a break to the south of the island is able to generate shocks to ~ 6.8 points , which are felt in the northern Cyprus, but strong destruction is unlikely

There are no other natural disasters - hurricanes, volcanoes - in the region. However, there is a chronic problem of drought and water deficiency : in the Northern Cyprus there are few own water resources, and the reservoirs dry out for a long time. In 2015, Turkey even laid the underwater water supply to the TRK to supply fresh water from Anatolia. In Albania, on the contrary, there are a lot of water (rivers, mountain sources), but the infrastructure of water supply needs modernization.

The result of the section: both regions have a soft climate and access to the sea , but the Albanian Riviera is more humid and green , and the northern Cyprus is more dry and hot . In winter, in Albania, a little colder and rainy, in the summer - a little cooler than on Cyprus plains. In the natural threats of Albania, Albania is somewhat more risky (seismicity, showers), while in Northern Cyprus the main challenges are drought and providing water. In general, climatic conditions are favorable for life and rest in both cases, with a long hot summer and soft winter on the coast. Below the summary table of the main geographical parameters:

IndicatorAlbanian Riviera (Vleter, Saranda)Northern Cyprus (TRK)
SquareAlbania entirely: 28 748 km² eoibucharest.gov.in ; Riviera - part of the coast (~ 150 km of the coastline)3 355 km² (all TRK) EN.Wikipedia.org
PopulationAlbania: 2.8 million (2022) eibucharest.gov.in ; Fight ~ 159 thousand, locusts ~ 30 thousand inhabitants~ 382 thousand (rating 2021) en.wikipedia.org
Relief, heightsThe mountain shore, the Lilon Range (up to 2,000 m) is close to the sea; Narrow coastal stripPlain in the center; Mountains of Kirenia (Max 1 024 m) along the north; The south is limited by hills
ClimateMediterranean, moist: winter +10 ° C, summer +30 ° C, precipitation ~ 1000 +mm/year ClimatEstotravel.comMediterranean, dry: winter +15 ° C, summer +35 ... 40 ° C, precipitation ~ 450 mm/year Cyprus44.com
Bathing seasonJune - September (Sea +24 ... 26 ° C in the summer)May-October (sea +26 ... 28 ° C in the summer) holiday-weather.com
Natural risksEarthquakes (strong ~ 1 time/decades) gfdrr.org ; floods of rivers; landslides; FiresEarthquakes are rare (most <5 points); Strong drought; water deficiency (solved by a water supply)

2. Tourism and leisure: visas, tourist flow and entertainment

Visa mode. For the entry of tourists, both directions are quite open. Albania is attracted by the policy of open borders: citizens of the EU, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. Visas are not needed (90 days without a visa). Moreover, in recent years, Albania cancels visas for many countries for the summer season . For example, for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, a visa -free entry from April to December 2023 acted - at the height of the tourist season you can freely come for 90 days and enjoy the sea (a similar regime is expected for 2024).

Northern Cyprus formally requires entry through Turkey, but in fact it also does not create barriers: foreigners (including CIS citizens, EU, USA, etc.) receive a visa upon arrival at the border for a period of usually 30 or 90 days . You can enter by an airplane through Turkey to the airport Ercan (ERCAN), or from the territory of the Southern Cyprus through the checkpoint on the "Green Line" of the UN. It is important to know: if you are not an EU citizen and flew directly to the northern Cyprus, then you cannot fly through the Larnaki airport (Republic of Cyprus)

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- We will have to return in the same way (there is no such restriction for EU citizens). In general, the visa requirements are very soft: neither Albania, nor TRK require complex formalities from tourists, a passport is enough.

Tourist flow. The Albanian Riviera is experiencing a tourist boom. In 2022, Albania visited the record 7.5 million foreign tourists , which doubled the country's population. In 2023, the stream increased to 10.1 million visits - an excellent recovery after a pandemic.

Most guests are Europeans (especially from neighboring countries: Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Italy, Greece), as well as more and more tourists from Western Europe and America, attracted by low prices and nature. The Albanian Riviera became a hit in social networks thanks to the beaches of Ksamil, Borsh, Dheermi and others. Saranda and Flower were crowded in the season - in August 2023 almost 2 million foreign visits were recorded in a month . ​

The northern Cyprus is still inferior in a scale, but also on the rise. In 2022, about 1.5 million foreign tourists

In 2023, the authorities aimed to exceed 2 million . For a small territory, this is a significant figure. The main markets are Türkiye (with which the message is the simplest), as well as Great Britain, Germany, Israel. Many Turkish travelers and players come to the weekend, because Northern Cyprus is a popular direction of gambling (which is lower).

In 2024, the tourist flow continued to grow: for 10 months of 2024, 1.8 million visitors , which almost catch up with the pre-war level of the beginning of the 2010s. Thus, Albania now accepts 4-5 times more tourists than northern Cyprus , but the latter quickly catchs up, relying on new markets.

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Attractions and entertainment. The Albanian Riviera offers a combination of beach and cognitive rest . Of the natural beauties-the mountain pass of Logar (two seas view), a source is a blue eye (Syri I Kaltër), the National Park of Butrinti (antiquities of the ancient city, the UNESCO object). Infire is famous for the fact that nearby is the peninsula Karabrun and the island of Sazan - the former military base, now the reserved zone for diving. Saranda attracts close to the Greek island of Corfu (30 minutes on a ferry) and the ruins of an ancient boutrin. Night life is also present: in the locust there are many bars on the embankment, nightclubs work until the morning in the summer. A little north, in Himar and Dheermy, youth parties on the beach (Open-Air Bars) are held.

In Albania, casinos and gambling are officially prohibited outside of large hotels : since 2019, the government closed all the halls of machine guns, leaving only a few casinos in 5-star hotels tyrants. So Riviera is not about excitement, but about nature, history and beaches . In addition to bathing, sea excursions, trips to mountain villages (for example, the picturesque Ali Pasha’s picturesque fortress in Porto-Palemo), a tasting of wine and the latest seafood are popular.

In Northern Cyprus, the emphasis of the entertainment is different. The beaches and history are also in stock: the ancient city of Salalamin near Famagusta is impressive by the ruins of Roman villas and amphitheater, the castles of the crusaders of St. Illarion and the Buffvento castle are decorated with the mountains, the Gothic abbey of Belpais near Cyrine attracts lovers of architecture . The capital of the northern part - Lefkosha (tour. Part Nicosia) - offers markets, museums and inspection of the border passing around the city. However, the main feature of leisure in TRSK is casino . In Northern Cyprus, several dozen casinos at hotels operate (the gambling business here is legal, unlike Southern Cyprus and Turkey).

This is a real paradise for players from neighboring countries: the luxurious casinos of Garnet (Cyrian) are known throughout Turkey. In the evenings, hotels are organized by show, concerts of Turkish and international stars. There are clubs: for example, in Famagust, beach clubs with large resorts are popular, in Cyrian - bars for expansion on the embankment. Active vacation : Kaiteserfing on the Carpase Peninsula, diving off the coast (corals and sunken ships). Moreover, northern Cyprus is also positioned as eco-tourism : there are no mass crowds, you can deal with observation of turtles, bicycle walks along the hills

A large segment is educational tourism : thousands of students study at TRK universities, their relatives come to visit.

Recreation infrastructure. In terms of accommodation of Albania (Riviera) until recently, she mainly offered small private hotels, guesthouses and apartments. There are few chic resorcees by the type “All Inclusive” (several new 5* hotels appeared in Vlere). But there is a lot of inexpensive housing : clean hotel 3* can be found for € 30-50 per day. Airbnb is developed - apartments are rented especially in Saranda (many new buildings with apartments). Restaurants and cafes delight with prices: the average account in the local restaurant ~ € 10-15 per person, while the sea products and fresh fish are very high quality.

Northern Cyprus is famous for large resort complexes : fashionable hotels-casinos (Merit, Cratos, Kaya Artemis, etc.) with the “Ultra All inclusive” , water parks and spa are built along the coast of Cyrian. There are also budget hotels-apartments, but the share is 5* higher than in Albania. Power: Cyprus kitchen (mixture of Turkish and local) - a lot of meze, barbecue, cheese Hellim (analogue of Halumi). Prices are slightly higher than in Albania: dinner in the restaurant in Cyran will cost ~ € 15–20 per person.

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Alcohol : An interesting nuance - in Albania wine and Rakia are made by local, low prices, and in Northern Cyprus, alcohol is imported (from Turkey or Europe) and is subject to excise tax, so that imported drinks can be more expensive. However, the Turkish beer EFES or RACA is quite affordable. Both directions are friendly to family vacation: in Albania, the abundance of quiet bays, and in TRK there are a mini-club and animation in almost every large hotel.

How to get: transport communication. This includes, perhaps, the main difference. Albania has an international airport in a tyrant (about 150 km from the flights and 280 km from the locust). Direct flights from many cities in Europe (London, Rome, Istanbul, etc.). There is no direct message from Moscow now, but you can fly with a transplant (through Istanbul, Belgrade, Dubai).

In 2021, a small airport was opened in the city of Kukmen (north of the country) and a new airport - they plan to open by 2025, which will facilitate access to the Riviera. A popular way to get into the locust is through Greece: fly to the island of Corfu (direct flights from many European countries), and then with a 30-minute ferry to the locust. Buses also go from the Greek city of Yannin. The movement along the Riviera itself is along the only SH8 mountain highway along the sea (partially serpentine). The road from tyranta to the locust takes ~ 4-5 hours by car. There are buses between resorts, but car rental is much more convenient.

Northern Cyprus is more difficult in geopolitical: there are no direct international flights (except from Turkey). You need to fly either through Turkey (Turkish Airlines, Pegasus with a transplant in Istanbul, Ankara, etc.), or to Larnaki (Republic of Cyprus) and then land. Many Europeans do this: they fly to the southern Cyprus, rent a car and cross the border (for citizens of the EU it is legally). But rolling cars from the south often cannot be brought to the north (it is necessary to draw up an additional inspection at the border).

Therefore, it is more convenient for a direct flight from Istanbul to Erjan - there are a lot of such daily, the way is ~ 1 h 30 min. It is popular from Russia and the CIS to fly through Antalya or Istanbul with a single ticket. There are also ferries: from Turkey (Tashuju, Mersin), regular ferry lines go to Cyrian, ~ 2.5 hours - an option for traveling to a car from Turkey. Inside TRSK, the distance is small: from Erjan to the resorts of Cyrenia 40 km (40 minutes by taxi or bus), to Famagusta - 50 km. The roads there are in good condition (see paragraph 8).

Important: if you fly to the Northern Cyprus, many insurance and tour operators may not cover the trip, since officially it is an “unrecognized territory”. But in fact, thousands of tourists come on their own, there are no security problems (the border between the South and the North has long been open to move, the conflict is frozen).

As a result, the tourist attractiveness of both regions is high , but with its own features: the Albanian Riviera is so far more “wild” beach holidays , natural beauties and low prices, while northern Cyprus is respectable hotels , casinos, and relative isolation (which, however, ensures solitude and lack of crowds). the number of attractions and historical heritage : ancient ruins and fortresses are waiting for both there and there. Below a small table of comparison of some tourist parameters:

Tourism parameterAlbania (Riviera)Northern Cyprus
Visa -free entry90 days for citizens ~ 100 countries (EU, USA, etc.); seasonally - for the CIS without visas in the summer erginellaw.com30-90 days upon arrival for almost everyone; Entrance through Turkey (transplant)
Foreign. tourists per year7.5 million (2022) euronews.al ; 10.1 million (2023) Unwto.org - sharp growth1.5 million (2022) aa.com.tr ; goal 2 million (2023) aa.com.tr
The main attractionsBeaches (Kamil, Dheermy), nat. Park Boutrint, Blue Eye, Ali Pasha Fortress; Night life in the locustBeaches (Carpasis Golden Beach), Salamin ruins, castles of St. Haleryon, Bellapais; casino and show in hotels
Hotel baseMany small hotels and apartments; 5* so far a little (mainly in a tyrant)Many large 5* resorts with a casino; also budget hotels, student dormitories for youth
Prices (dinner for two)~ 20-30 € (seafood, local wine) - very affordable~ 30–40 € (Turkish/European kitchen, imported alcohol) - a little more expensive
SeasonalityMay-October (peak in July-August, crowded)April-November (in July-August it is very hot; comfortable in spring/autumn)
PeculiaritiesNo casino (prohibited since 2019); rich nature, eco-tourism; Need a car for the study. coastGambling are legal games (casinos attract tourists); calm atmosphere, without crowds; The movement of the car is left -handed (British legacy)

3. Life and comfort: infrastructure, safety and cost of life

Infrastructure for life (shops, hospitals, schools, parks). In the resort areas of Albania, the basic infrastructure is developed, but not as diverse as in the capital. Shopes: In Vletre and Saranda there are supermarkets of European networks (Conad, Spar), markets of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, there are no hypermarkets or malls - for large purchases, residents go to a tyrant or neighboring Greece.

The northern Cyprus in this regard is self -sufficient: in Nicosia (North) and Kyire, large supermarkets ( Lemar, şK, IKEA are the local level ), there is even the City Mall shopping center in Famaguste . The range of goods is wider due to imports from Turkey - from household appliances to clothing. Prices are lower than in South Cyprus, thanks to the Turkish lyre.

Medicine: In Albania, free stateledics suffers from a lack of funding - there are hospitals in Vleer, but for difficult cases they often go to the capital or abroad. Private clinics (dentistry, diagnosis) appeared on the coast, prices are much lower than European ones. In Northern Cyprus, state hospitals (in Nicosia, Famagust) are relatively good, medical personnel are trained in Turkey, and services are free for citizens. Emergency assistance is provided to foreigners, but planned treatment is for a fee or insurance. Many wealthy Cypriots prefer to go to Turkey to be treated (fortunately for a flight).

Schools and universities: Albanian children study in public schools (training in Albanian, 9-year mandatory). In Vletor and Saranda, the choice of schools is limited - mostly local. There are almost no foreign (English -speaking) schools outside the tyrants. In Northern Cyprus, education in Turkish (with the study of English).

At the same time, in TRK as many universities , many with training in English - thanks to this, there are about 50 thousand students from 100+ countries in the country, which revives life in cities. For explosion children there are private English schools (for example, Near East College) in Nicosia and Cyreen, the year of study is ~ € 3-5 thousand. So the northern Cyprus is more oriented towards international education, and Albania is not yet (although there are also foreign students, but a little).

Parks and leisure: In the Primorsky Albanian cities, embankments recently equipped, squares - for example, a beautiful promenade along the bay, lies with palm trees and bike paths. Northern Cyprus has public beaches , recreation parks (in Kiren - a city park with playgrounds, in Nicosia North - Kumark Park). In general, the infrastructure of everyday life in TRSK is more “city” (many cafes, offices, services, focused on students and foreigners), while the Albanian Riviera is more resort-provincial (in the summer it is lively, and in winter, some of the institutions are closed, the life is quiet).

Safety and stability. According to the criminal environment, both areas are considered quite safe for expans and tourists.

Albania historically had problems with organized crime in the 1990s, but now the level of violent crime is low. The most frequent incidents are on Riviere - small thefts of inattentive tourists (for example, leave the phone on the beach unattended). Locals are friendly, the police in resort areas patrolling. The political situation is stable: Albania is a parliamentary republic, a course to join the EU. Sometimes opposition protests in a tyrant are held, but this does not affect life in the province.

Northern Cyprus is one of the most calm places in the Mediterranean. There is a very low level of street crime : residents often do not lock at home, there are almost no serious crimes. The UNDP report noted that crime in TRK is lower than in southern Europe . Largely thanks to the small population and the strong influence of Turkish law enforcement officers. Politically, TRSK is stable (several parties of Turko-kipriots replace each other in power, everyone recognizes the need to support Turkey). The conflict with Greek kipriota has been frozen, there have been no armed clashes since 1996.

There are troops (Turkish in the north, the UN on the border, Greek in the south), but tourists hardly notice this. The only moment is legal status : since the Northern Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey, there is no diplomatic protection against consulates (except for the Turkish) there. However, the de facto of the European Union has offices in TRK for communication (EU, the USA, etc. Maintain contacts), so foreigners do not feel in isolation.

The cost of life. Albania is famous for the low cost of life by the standards of Europe. In Northern Cyprus, prices are also low, especially for those who spend foreign currency (because of a cheap Turkish lyre). But let's compare specifically. Below is a table of approximate monthly costs per person with a modest lifestyle:

Extending articleTwer/Saranda (Albania)Kyanistan/Nicosia (North KiPr)
Rent 1-room. apartments$ 200-350 in the center, $ 150–250 on the outskirts (in the month) Expatexchange.com€ 250–400 (city) antalyaestate.net ; Outside the center - cheaper (€ 150-200)
Communal (85m² sq.)~ ~ 20–25 electricity + € 18 water (in the month, one living)€ 50–80 Electro+water; Internet € 15-20 (albania) vs € 30-50 (TRNC)
Internet (unlimited)€ 15–20/month, speed 50–100 Mbit/s€ 30-50/month (high -speed), speed of 20-50 Mbit/s
Products in the storeMilk 1 l ~ $ 1.0; Bread ~ $ 0.5; Apples 1 kg ~ $ 1; Local cheese 1 kg $ 5Similar prices for local products (vegetables/fruits are inexpensive); Import from Turkey can be a little more expensive
Lunch in an inexpensive cafe€ 6–8 (salad € 3, soup € 3.5 and drink)~ ~ € 8–10 (kebab or pizza € 5–7, drink € 2-3)
Gasoline 1 liter$ 1.30–1.50 (more expensive due to taxes, a lot of cars on a diesel engine)~ 20 TL (≈ $ 0.7) in 2023, but the price is volatile (in 2023 X10 growth in lies)
Public transportBus city $ 0.40 (schedule irregular)Minibuses between cities ~ 20-30 TL ($ 1); Buses inside cities are rare, mainly a taxi (€ 5 in 10 minutes)
Sports, subscription~ € 20/month (there are simple simulators)~ € 30/month (modern halls for universities/hotels)

Note: In Northern Cyprus, calculations are often carried out in Turkish lira (TL). Lira is subject to inflation, so in 2022–2023 prices in local currency rose sharply. For example, gasoline from ~ 8 TL/l in 2021 increased to 20+ TL by the end of 2023. However, for foreigners with euros or dollars, the reduction of the lira compensates for growth - the cost of € remains low. The Albanian lecture also devalized in the past, but from 2021, on the contrary, he strengthened to the dollar, so the prices rose a little.

Total: living on the Albanian Riviera will cost about $ 600-800 per month per person when renting housing (without much luxury).

In Northern Cyprus-a similar level, can be 10–20% higher due to expensive communal and Internet. For example, student grades give $ 350-600 per month for the life of a student in TRK

The main difference is the cost of energy and communication : in the north-wrapped electricity more expensive (~ 0.15–0.2 €/kW · h) and the Internet road (€ 40 for 20 Mbps), while Albania provides cheap hydro-electroenerium (average score € 20) and inexpensive optical Internet (€ 15). But gasoline and cars are significantly cheaper in Cyprus, because They are imported from Turkey without duties-many expansion there take used cars at a low price, while in Albania cars are more expensive due to taxes and are often imported from the EU.

Communication and the Internet. In Albania, 4G mobile communications are covered by most settlements, the average mobile Internet speed is ~ 50 Mbps , the country in 44th place in the world in mobile speeds

Vodafone and One operators offer unlimited for ~ € 15 per month. Wended Internet optics was held in many cities, a median speed of ~ 54 Mbps .

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In Northern Cyprus there are 2 mobile operators (Turkcell and Telsim), also with 4G, but the coating is weaker in rural areas. The average mobile Internet speeds are lower than in Albania (approximately 20-30 Mbit/s). Home Internet is often transmitted via radio channel (WIMAX) or ADSL, although there are already optics in the new areas of Nicosia. The cost of communication in TRSK is higher : for example, 10 Mbps unlimited - € 25/month, 20 Mbps - € 40. But satellite TV and Turkish streaming services are available cheaply (many watch Turkish channels). In Albania, the TV catches dozens of local and Italian channels, and there is also IPTV. In general, the northern Cyprus bypasses the quality of the Internet , which is also noted by digital nomads (100 Mbps can be easily obtained in a tyrant, and it is more complicated in Northern Cyprus).

Comfort of everyday life. Expans note that English is more common in northern Cyprus - thanks to education and tourism. In Albania, among young people there are a lot of speaking English, but the older-generation people know better Italian (the heritage of migration and TV). However, there are no problems with the language at the resorts: the menu in restaurants are duplicated in English and Italian, and in Cyrian - in English and Russian (in TRK there are many Russian -speaking ones since 2014, and the business has been adjusted). In terms of mentality and comfort : Albanians are very hospitable, but in the depths are traditional (for example, shops may not work on Sunday, women less often drive cars in villages). Turkish Cypriots are more cosmopolitan, a secular society, many women in the civil service, nightlife is active until late at night (especially in student towns). Both societies are family -oriented, the level of violence is low. Political stability : government periodically changes in Albania, there are corruption scandals, but the course on the EU is holding. The government is also replaced by the government (coalitions), but key solutions are still consistent with Ankara, so there are no sharp fluctuations.

Conclusion: you can live for a long time there and there, with a limited budget, comfort will be comparable . Albania is slightly cheaper in everyday life and closer to Europe (geographically and culturally), northern Cyprus is more isolated, but calmer and more English. Many digital nomads have already chosen both directions due to low prices and soft climate.

4. Real estate and rent: housing markets, prices and profitability

Housing and car rental. We have already mentioned the average rental prices of apartments: on the Albanian Riviera, the apartment can be rented from $ 200 per month

(outside the season is cheaper), in Northern Cyprus - from € 250 per month

. In the season (in the summer), short -term rent takes off: apartments by the sea in the locust are € 40–70 per day on Airbnb (which is profitably surrendering). Many foreigners buy apartments in Saranda precisely for delivery in the summer. As for the rental of a car , in Albania prices are seasonal: in the summer of a small car (such as VW Polo) ~ € 30–35 per day, in winter € 20.

With prolonged rental for a month, they can reduce to ~ € 400-500. In Northern Cyprus, car rental is cheaper: £ 20-30 per day for an economy class, and when renting for a month found offers $ 420/month (• $ 14 per day) . Gasoline, as noted, is cheaper in Cyprus, plus left -handed movement there - you need to get used to it. Total, transport mobility in TRK is inexpensive, while in Albania the costs of cars are higher (although public transport is cheaper).

Real estate prices (purchase). The Albanian Riviera attracts prices much lower than in neighboring Greece or Italy. In Saranda and Veler, the average price of apartments is now $ 800–1200 per m² in the center.

On the outskirts you can find $ 600/m²

For example, the new odnushka is 40 m² in the locust - ~ $ 40-50 thousand. In Vletor, prices have grown a little after the opening of new projects, but in general € 1000/m² - a typical cost with sea view. In Northern Cyprus, the situation is different: the market is growing rapidly at the expense of foreign investors (Türkiye, Britain, Russia, Israel). The average cost is also about € 1000 per m² -that is, 2-3 times lower than in the south of Cyprus or in Spain

Prices, however, strongly depend on the status of the Earth (there are categories of titles - Turkish until 1974, or earlier Greek, which is below). Now many apartments and villas are being built on the coast, and in three years prices have risen by 65%.​

Examples of prices in TRK: new studio (~ 40 m²) in the resort complex by the sea - ~ £ 70–80 thousand; Villa 150 m² with a pool-~ £ 250 thousand for comparison, in Albania: a large apartment of 100 m² in Durres (resort closer to tyrant)- € 100 thousand , in a 3-room tyrant in the center- € 200 thousand .

That is, Albania is still cheaper in many segments. However, the quality of construction is important: in Albania there is a risk with old houses (communist times) - they are inexpensive, but require repairs. New buildings are better, although there may be problems with documents due to historical confusion with the ground. In Northern Cyprus, new houses often build Turkish developers according to modern standards (with pools, gyms). But also you need to monitor the documents (see below on property rights).

Restrictions on ownership of foreigners. In Albania, liberal legislation: foreigners can freely buy apartments, houses and commercial real estate .

There are no requirements of permits - transactions are made at a notary public similarly to citizens. There is a restriction only on the purchase of land plots of agriculture : a direct foreigner cannot own the land of agricultural/forest fund. The decision - either register an Albanian company (and buy land through it), or buy a land plot with a building (house) - then this is considered as a real estate object. For example, you can buy a villa with adjacent land, but an empty plot is impossible without a legal entity. In addition, foreigners receive the right to residence permit when buying real estate any value

(more on this). Northern Cyprus allowed individuals-foreigners to purchase one object per person (for example, one apartment or one villa) after receiving the permission of the Council of Ministers . This resolution is a formality, check the purity of the biography (you need to apply, wait for 6-12 months).

In 2024 the rules were tightened: under the new law, a foreigner can still own only one object (except for Turkey citizens - they are allowed up to 3).

It is also forbidden to foreigners to buy agricultural and forests (as in Albania)

The new rule limited the concentration of foreigners: no more than 49% of apartments in the same house may belong to foreigners, and no more than 3 foreigners can jointly own one site.

These restrictions are designed to maintain local control over the ground. But in fact, many investors who want to buy several objects went around the previous limits through the registration of a company or a trust on local ones - now these loopholes closed

Image 7

(require full local property of firms). In general, a foreigner in TRSK can really buy one real estate for himself , and for a portfolio of several you will have to attract nominal amer-citizens (which is risky). There are no such restrictions in Albania - you can buy at least 10 apartments, if only there was money.

The process of design and expenses. In Albania, transactions go through a notary public, the buyer usually pays a small registration fee of 0.5% of the price + notary services € 300-500.

Housing purchase tax (for example, VAT) is usually already included in the price of the developer, there are no taxes separately for the secondary, except for symbolic municipal fees (€ 3–10).

The seller - an individual does not pay VAT, but pays income tax (if it has risen in price). When selling real estate in Albania, a 15% tax increase is charged (with the difference between the price of purchase and sale).

However, if they owned housing for more than 2 years and this is the only one, often the tax is not charged (there are benefits). Also since 2023, a annual real estate tax has been introduced ~ 0.05% cadastral value

- A very small amount comes out (for example, for an apartment € 50 thousand - € 25 per year). In Northern Cyprus, the cost of buying higher: the buyer pays a coat of arms 0.5% of the price (when registering a contract)

, then a tax on the transfer of the title of 6% (but once in your life you can pay a fever for the first purchase). If you buy a new building from the developer, then 5% of the cost

(It is paid upon receipt of the keys, if the developer is a VAT payer company). The Seller-Law pays Stopaj 4% -an analogue of income tax, but if you buy from the company, it is usually transferred to the price. When reselling an individual - VAT is not taken, and the tax increase for the Capital for an individual can not be paid on one object (that is, when selling your only housing, the resident TRSK is released). For the second object - stopped 4%. There are no annual real estate tax in TRK , but there are small municipal fees (£ 50 per year for cleaning, garbage removal). Utility payments : both there and there, they are paid by meters monthly - electricity, water, the Internet. There are no gas pipelines in Albania (on the coast), nor on the north -wrapper - electric heating or cylinders.

Image 8

Comparison of investment attractiveness of real estate (Albanian Riviera vs. Northern Cyprus):

IndicatorAlbanian Riviera (Vleter, Saranda)Northern Cyprus
Average rental revenue (ROI)4–6% per year (gross) for long -term rental - for example, in Saranda and Vletor the average gross profitability of ~ 5%. In case of short -term drug lease for tourists, profitability is higher - about 8-10% per year (with a high summer season).6–7% per year (gross) for long -term rental to local tenants or students. Thanks to the long tourist season, short -term rental is able to bring 10-12% per annum (high season ~ 6–7 months pays for a whole year of rent).
Real estate prices rising (5 years)Significant growth: on the coast of Albania, prices grew by two -digit pace. According to estimates, 10-15% per year in recent years Globihome.com . For example, apartments in the center of the locusts for ~ 2 years have risen in price from ~ 1200 to 1800+ €/m². In Vletor, new projects on the first line showed an increase in prices up to 40% of the starting for a couple of years. In general, over 5 years, a number of objects have risen in price by 50% or more.Swift increase in value. For ~ 6–7 years, prices doubled (example: studio in 2014 ~ £ 22 thousand, now> £ 50 thousand in 2021) cyprussun.org . In 2022 alone, a jump in prices was noted by at least 30% . On average, over 5 years, growth could exceed 50%. The Northern Cyprus was recognized by Forbes one of the best locations for real estate investment (2021) due to the low price base and high growth potential.
The average payback period~ 10-15 years when leasing. That is, investments are paid off in rental income in an average of 12 years (in objects with the highest profitability - ~ 10 years, in less profitable - up to 15). For example, the GROSS sub-terminal ~ 6% implies ~ 17 years of payback, but income growth over time can accelerate the return.~ 12-13 years - a typical payback payback period, which is faster than in many European countries. High yields (8-10% with short -term rental) can reduce the period to ~ 8-10 years. Thus, the investment in typical apartments pays off a little more than a decade of rent, especially taking into account annual prices and rent.
Demand for rent and fillingSeasonal tourist demand : in the summer months, the demand is high (in resort areas, fullness is close to complete), in the winter season it is significantly reduced. In the locust, the average annual occupancy of apartments is evaluating ~ 30-50% due to the concentration of demand in 4-5 months of the year. Demand is supported by foreigners: in the summer - tourists, in the offseason - more and more Digital Nomads and expans. In general, demand can be called moderately high in season and low outside the season (average annual - average).High year round : Northern Cyprus has one of the longest seasons in the Mediterranean - from April to November, tourists provide high occupancy. In addition, the major presence of foreign students (~ 100 thousand), who rent housing during the school year, supporting year -round demand in cities (Nicosia, Famagusta, Courage). Thus, in the summer season (tourists), and the rest of the time (students, expans), rental is in stable high demand , the average annual occupancy of objects is much higher than 50%.
Forecast for the next 5 yearsRostovaya trend : Further market growth is expected. Factors are the willingness of Albania to join the EU, the influx of foreign investors, the development of infrastructure (for example, an airport is planned near the locust for ~ 2025). According to local agents, while maintaining trends in real estate prices in 5 years can be equal to the levels of elite resorts (a very optimistic scenario). More realistic - steady price increases (possibly 5-10% per year) will continue, although the growth of the offer of new buildings can slightly reduce the pace. Demand for rent will also grow as tourism and income develops.Positive forecast : the investment climate will remain favorable. Northern Cyprus attracts more and more international buyers , and so far the prices are noticeably lower than in the South-Europe, the growth potential remains. Experts believe that the limit of price growth has not yet been reached. High rates of the rise in the cost of housing are possible, although such a sharp jump as in 2022 (30%+) may be smooth. Nevertheless, two -digit interest growth in the coming years is realistic while maintaining demand. The market is sowing. Cyprus is developing (new complexes, infrastructure), but low taxes and limited international recognition of the territory restrain overheating - this allows you to predict a steady increase in prices and renting on a horizon of 5 years.

Examples of current real estate objects - Albanian Riviera (Vleter, Saranda)

ObjectLocationPriceExpected income from leasePotential of cost growth
Apartments with sea views (2-room, ~ 50 m²)Saranda, first line~ $ 2,000/m² (≈ $ 100 thousand per apartment)~ $ 8–10 thousand per year for daily delivery to tourists (in the summer there is almost 100%) - ~ 8–10% per annum Globihome.com . With long -term delivery by local - ~ € 300/month (up to 4% per annum).High: South Albania demonstrates prices ~ 10%+ per year. Given the development of tourism (new airport, an increase in recognition) over 5 years, the price can significantly increase (10% of the year - up to ~ 60% in 5 years).
Apartments in the residential complex (1-room, ~ 60 m²)Vlet, the Uji district and FTHTHTHOT (10 minutes from the beach)~ ~ 1,500/m² (≈ € 90 thousand per apartment)When passing for the summer season - about € 5-6 thousand per season (for 3-4 years of month). Long -term rental ~ € 300–400/month. An annual profitability is estimated ~ 6–7%.Tall: the area at the stage of active development, prices are lower than on the embankment, so the growth potential is large. Evaluation, a rise in price of ~ 5-10% per year in the coming years as the infrastructure is built.
Luxurious villa in the resort village (3-4 bedrooms, ~ 250 m²)Stripes (PALASement), an elite complex on the coast~ $ 4,000/m² (for example, ~ € 1 million per villa ~ 250 m²) DeVINF.comRent as luxury vvilles for recreation: in the season $ 3,000+ per week (surrender to elite tourists or large groups). Potentially ~ $ 50-60 thousand per year with good loading in the summer (5-6% per annum).Moderately high: elite real estate has already grown significantly in price. Further growth is possible due to the status of the object and the total development of the Riviera, however, the pace can be moderate (5–7% per year). The main calculation of the investor is to maintain value and exclusivity, although when Albania enters into the EU, the elite segment can significantly rise in price.

Examples of current real estate objects - Northern Cyprus

ObjectLocationPriceExpected income from leasePotential of cost growth
Apartment in a new complex (1 bedroom, ~ 50 m²)Isskele (resort zone Long Beach)~ $ 1,200/m² (about $ 60 thousand per apartment with sea views)Long -term rental to students or local: ~ £ 300–400/month (≈ $ 4-5 thousand per year), ~ 7–8% per annum. Damly in the season - up to $ 50–70 per day, which in the summer 6-7 months can give ~ $ 6-8 thousand in total.Very high: the affordable housing in the Northern Cyprus is actively more expensive. For 2020–2022, prices rose by ~ 30%/year. In the medium term, such apartments can add ~ 10% in price annually due to foreign demand and the development of the coast.
Villa with a pool (3 bedrooms, ~ 180 m², site)The surroundings of Cyrian (garrne)~ ~ 1 500/m² (for example, ~ £ 250 thousand per villa ~ 180 m²)Long -term rental to expenses: ~ £ 1,000 - 1,400 per month Hangiev.com (≈ £ 12–17 thousand per year, ~ 6–7% per annum). Short -term rental (tourists) - in the season rate ~ $ 150-200/night for the entire villa, the potential of $ 20-30 thousand per year (8-10% with good management).High: Real estate in the Kychen area is in steady demand, especially among foreign buyers. In recent years, the villas have grown significantly in price (the previously underestimated market attracts investors). Further increase in value is expected, estimated at ~ 5-10% per year in the next 5 years, given the limited offer of high -quality villas and the attractiveness of the region. In addition to rising prices, the villa retains value as an asset for its own use.

Source: Data from open sources, including the Global Property Guide analytics, local tax reports and investment reviews GlobalPropertyguide.com , Telegrafi.com , Elitesinerji.com and others.

Rental profitability (ROI) and price increases. Albania is interesting to investors precisely as a growing market . Prices are low, and rapprochement is expected with European ones. According to agencies, prices in the resort zones of Albania rose by 10-15% per year in 2018–2022. Rent demand in the summer is high: by renting an apartment for rent to tourists, you can earn 8-10% of the cost over the season. However, outside the season, the demand is small - in winter the apartments are often empty, it is difficult to hand over for a good price for a good price (local income is low). As a result, the real yield from rent on a riviere ~ 5-6% per annum (when combining summer vessel and winter monthly delivery). Housing payback under such conditions ~ 15–18 years. In Northern Cyprus, the rental market is supported by students and foreigners living all year round. In universities (Famagusta, Lefkosha), students are permanent - students rent for 10 months a year. The profitability there is estimated at 6–8% per annum . In coastal complexes, if you hand over a hotel pool, they promise up to 8-10%, but you need to take into account periods without guests. Real estate prices in TRSK over the past 2 years went upward (mentioned +65% in 3 years

Antalyahomes.com ) - Whoever bought to the pandemic has already earned on the growth of capitalization. Forward the situation is less predictable: further growth depends on external demand and on the course of the lira (which affects the cost of construction). Many investors consider Northern Cyprus as the possibility of high risks/income: ROI can be high , but there are legal nuances and dependence on Turkey.

Legal status of real estate. In Albania, the main risk is the cleanliness of the title . After the fall of communism, the Earth returned to the former owners, there were overlays. Therefore, you need to check in the cadastre: sometimes several heirs claimed for one site. But on Riviera, most new projects have a full package of documents (especially those that are sold to foreigners). In the Northern Cyprus, the main feature is the types of titles to Earth :

  • “Turkish Title” - a Turkish or foreign owner until 1974 (clean, unprocessed);
  • “Exchange Title” is a former Greek-Kiro property transferred by Turco-Cipriot in exchange for their abandoned property in the south (recognized only by TRK and Turkey);
  • “TRNC Title” - areas confiscated among the Greeks after 1974 and distributed by the government TRSK, or state land.

Lawyers advise foreigners if possible to buy Turkish Title or objects that have already passed through the compensation commission. If the island will ever unite, the question of compensation for the Greek owners of Exchange Titles may arise. But most investors do not stop this - they consider the risk of political settlement low. By the way, Property Commission commission is valid, through which the Greeks could demand compensation for the lost houses - Turkey has already paid millions and many areas are thus legalized. With the current status quota, North Chi-Kyrian real estate is quite liquid: it is bought/selling free citizens of dozens of countries.


  • Albania: a low entry threshold, transparently, but the market is at an early stage, you need a thorough verification of documents.
  • Sever. Kipr: the market is more mature and international, the profitability of the rental is not bad, but legally special (it is better to work with a reliable lawyer when buying).

5. Immigration and finance: residence permit, banks, calculations

Obtaining a residence permit and citizenship. Albania is quite open for moving. Having bought real estate any price tag (at least € 30k studio), a foreigner has the right to apply for a residence permit for a year with the right to extend

Procedure: submit an application to the migration police, attach documents for property and confirmation of income. You can also get a residence permit under an employment contract, study, marriage with a citizen. The requirements are low, and since 2022 the state duty for EU citizens has been canceled. For citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, a residence permit on the basis of real estate is also available - many have already taken advantage of, especially ITSHNIKS. After 5 years of residence, you can serve for permanent residence (for 5 years), and after another 2-3 years - for citizenship on naturalization (Knowledge of Albani is required at the basic level and the rejection of previous citizenship, if the country does not allow double). Albania considered the introduction of a “golden passport” for investments, but under the pressure of the EU suspended this idea. However, it is really possible to obtain citizenship of Albania for special merits or investments> € 2 million (individually by presidential decree). Northern Cyprus : Formally, foreigners have only temporary residence status (residence permit). to obtain TRK citizenship - it is necessary to live 10+ years and make a contribution, but even after 20 years some expans are left without a passport. Citizenship is given mainly to ethnic Turks, or through marriage (with Turko-Kipriot-after 3 years of family life), or for special investments (for example, invest> € 1 million in the economy-is decided at the government level).

But the passport of TRSK itself is not very valuable (recognized only by Turkey). Many people prefer to obtain Turkey citizenship for investments ($ 400K in real estate) and live in Northern Cyprus with a Turkish passport - so reliable. As for a residence permit: foreigners are required to either leave once in 30/90 days, or issue a hikamet (residence permit). A residence permit on the north -quipre there are several types:

  • in property (for 1 year, renewable, if there is housing in your name),
  • on lease (you need to show a lease agreement and sufficient income),
  • “A temporary residence permit with wealthy income” - i.e. Pensioners or remoters can get a residence permit if they prove the availability of funds in the erginellaw.com . For workers, a separate work visa (the employer draws up, binding to the place of work). Students receive a student residence permit for the duration of training. The process is bureaucratic (many pieces of paper, a medical examination on the spot, show a deposit on the bank account). But in general, it is not difficult to get a annual residence permit in TRSK when you fulfill the conditions - thousands of foreigners live there precisely in the annual resume of the residence permit.

The opening of a bank account. In Albania, banks willingly work with non -residents, especially if you have local real estate or residence permit. A passport, Albanian identification code (NUIS) are required - it is helped by notaries. Banks are popular: BKT, Credins, Raiffeisen. Dollar and European accounts are available, and interest rates on deposits are high (up to 2-4% in currency). However, transfers from/to some countries (Russia, for example) may require explanations due to international sanctions. In Northern Cyprus, the banking system is integrated with Turkish. There are local banks (Kıbrıs ̇ş Bankası, Türkiye Ziraat Bankası - branches of Turkish state banks, and private Creditwest, Limasol Bank etc.). It is realistic to open an account to the foreigner, but they can request a recommendation (for example, an account with a Turkish bank or a real estate contract). Many developers help customers open an account to pay a communal apartment. Funds in TRK banks do not fall under automatic exchange of information - attracts those who value confidentiality. But only Turkish guarantees have protection (deposits are insured up to 600 thousand TL ~ $ 22K). It is better to transfer money to northern Cyprus through Turkey - usually it is a corps account in Turkish banks. Alternatively, you can keep accounts in the banks of Southern Cyprus (EU) and withdraw cash in the north.

Confirmation of income. For a residence permit in Albania, there is usually enough extracts from the bank about the availability of funds (~ € 5-10 thousand in the account) or income declaration (for example, what you work remotely and get $ 1000+ per month). When submitting a residence permit, TRK is also required to show the amount on a local account - earlier it was ~ ₺20K (about $ 700) per person, now increased to ~ ₺50K ($ 1700) per year of residence, or regular income from the outside. Pensioners need to provide a pension letter. In general, it is necessary to demonstrate that you will not become a burden. They do not require any sky -high amounts - the procedure for the values ​​is relatively small.

Loans and mortgages for foreigners. In Albania, it is possible to get a mortgage , although banks more willingly give a loan to residents with official income in All. Bet: ~ 4-6% per annum in the euro, up to 20-30 years.

But a foreigner is unlikely to receive without income in the country. Some developers offer an installment plan for 6-12 months interest. In Northern Cyprus, traditionally foreigners bought without loans - either for cash or installments from the developer (the scheme is popular: 30% initial fee, the rest in installments for 2–5 years, sometimes at 0% at the construction stage, then at 6–8% per annum after the survey of the facility). From 2022, local banks began to give mortgages to foreigners for finished housing up to 50% of the cost, but in Turkish lies and at a high percentage of ~ 15–20% (given inflation). Therefore, few people take. More often, foreigners take a loan in their country secured by different property and buy for cache in Cyprus. Of the advantages: developers TRSK are flexible - they can adjust the payment plan. To the loan cars to foreigners are also inaccessible (but cars are cheaper, many do not need lending).

Payment methods: bank transfers, cryptocurrency, cash. When buying real estate or major transactions, Albania requires payment officially through the bank (to reflect the real price and pay fees). Large cash calculations are formally limited (up to 1.5 million All ~ € 13k can be in cash, from above - only by bank transfer). Cryptocurrency is not a legal means of payment - there are no regulations yet. But there are cases that foreign buyers transferred the USDT to the seller, and he already declared himself. In everyday life in Albania, cash (lecture, €, cards are not accepted everywhere in small cities).

In Northern Cyprus, due to status, international translations are difficult: Swift does not work directly (it is necessary through correspondent accounts in Turkey). Therefore, often buyers from abroad use cryptocurrency : a number of large developers openly accept USDT/BTC for real estate. This accelerates the calculation and passes bank barriers. In 2022–23, according to realtors, up to 20% of transactions with foreigners in the North Kipip was carried out with payment to Crypto (especially buyers from the Russian Federation). Officially, the law does not regulate cryptocurrencies, but their exchange for lira occurs through Turkey.

Cash payments (especially in currency) in Cyprus are also widespread - when buying a car, for example, they can pay a pack of pounds or dollars. In the stores , Turkish lira, dollars, euros, pounds sterling are accepted for payment - multinight is convenient. Maps (Visa/Mastercard) work, but ectering goes through Turkish banks, so foreign cards are served. Apple Pay/Google Pay - no (not supported by Turkish banks abroad). Thus, financially : Albania is integrated into the world banking system (SWIFT, SEPA), but the currency is lecture, it is better to operate in the euro. Northern Cyprus is a semi -alert economy , where cryptocurrencies and a good old cache came to the rescue.

6. Economics and work: GDP, salaries and sectors

General indicators. Albania is an transitional economy, actively growing. Nominal GDP ~ $ 18 billion , per capita $ 6,492 (2022).

In recent years, GDP growth was 3-4% per year , in 2021 there was a jump of ~ 8% due to recovery after a decline in 2020. The unemployment is officially about 11%. The average nominal salary in Albania is ~ $ 600 per month (as of 2023). For comparison, northern Cyprus in terms of living standards is closer to Turkey: GDP per soul is estimated at $ 14-15 thousand (2022), which is much higher than Albanian. Nominal GDP TRK - about $ 4 billion

sgp.fas.org (several times less Albania, due to the small population). Economic growth greatly depends on Turkey and was volatile: the failure in 2020 (-16%), then an increase of + ≈ 20% in 2021 (due to monetary pumping). In 2022, growth is also two-digit due to inflation. The average salary in the Northern Cyprus is more difficult to determine due to liry inflation. The minimum salary in 2023 was 13,563 TL (gross) - it was approximately $ 500

Cyprus-faq.com (at the beginning of the year) and $ 300 (by the end of the year, after the collapse of the lyre). Many qualified specialists receive 20-30k TL, which is $ 800–1200. In the private sector, part of the salaries is tied to currency (especially among foreigners): for example, some receive a fixed $ 1000, in liras at the rate. In Albania, the minimum salary was increased to 40,000 All ($ 380) in 2023. There, a significant share of employees is busy in the shadow economy, receiving cash (therefore the average statistics are underestimated).

The main industries. The economy of Albania is diversified: the service sector ~ 47.7% of GDP (trade, tourism, telecom), industry ~ 21.8% (small - oil, cement, textile production), agriculture ~ 17.7% (very high share by the standards of Europe, grow fruits, vegetables, olives). Tourism makes a great contribution : about 15% of GDP. In Albania, there is also a hydropower - export of electricity hydraulic power (when there is a lot of rains). A big problem is the emigration of labor, so the country is trying to attract foreign investments (auto components, for example). Northern Cyprus is very focused on the service sector - up to 69% of GDP .

Key industries: trade and tourism ~ 30% GDP

(retail trade, casino, hotels-together are taken into account as “TRADE-TOURISM”), public sector and services ~ 22% (administration, education-many are busy at universities), construction ~ 8-10% , agriculture ~ 5–9% (citrus fruits, dairy products).

Education is a separate significant article: universities attract ~ $ 400 million per year.

There is almost no industry, only light production (food, furniture, slightly textiles) - about 5% of GDP. Economics TRSK DOTOSION: Türkiye annually gives financial assistance (for infrastructure, army maintenance, etc.). Also, Northern Cyprus does not pay for defense (this takes upon itself Türkiye). An interesting sector is gambling and online bus : TRSK has turned into an offshore for online casino, it is advantageous to be based on companies (legal, low taxes). This attracts IT specialists and income.

Work for foreigners. In Albania, expanses usually find work in the tourism sector (hotel management, restaurants - knowledge of languages ​​is valuable), teach English, or work remotely. Local salaries are low, so many visitors live on remote income . In Northern Cyprus, it is more difficult to work due to the fact that the local currency is weak. More often foreigners either conduct their business (cafes, services for Russian-speaking-a beauty salon, agency), or work in international online films that are based in TRK (for example, technical support of bookmakers, for a salary of $). Doctors, nurses are also needed - but they are paid by local standards. Unemployment in TRSK fluctuates, officially ~ 6–8%, but many workers from Turkey at construction sites. Albania, on the other hand, exports labor - inside unemployment is 11%, among young people higher.

Image 10

In general, economically, Albania is poorer, but integrates into Europe , and the northern Cyprus is richer on the soul, but isolated and depends on Turkey . This is reflected in the quality and cost of life: in Albania everything is simple and cheap, but not very technological; In the north, the quipre is a little more than the modern service, but the foreign exchange risks and bureaucracy of the Turkish model.

7. Taxes: bets in Albania and Northern Cyprus

Income tax (personal income tax). In Albania, there is a progressive scale for salaries: income up to 30,000 a lecture per month. They are not taxed, from 30 001 to 150,000 lecture - 13%, over 150,000 lecture - 23%.

Thus, the maximum personal income tax rate - 23%

However, separate flat rates are established for other types of income: 8% are taxed dividends , 15% rental income and investment .

That is, if you rent an apartment, you need to declare and pay 15%. There are benefits for the expiration residents: the first three years you can not pay tax on foreign income (to attract freelancers). In general, the tax system of Albania is relatively simple. In Northern Cyprus, the system is similar to Turkish: a progressive tax from 10% to 37% per large income. Specifically, the resident’s salary income is subject to 0% rates to a certain amount, then 20%, 25%, 30% and maximum 35% (for income over ~ ₺1 million per annum) - this is actually as in the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey.

But usually about 20% are kept in local (income plus social). Non -residents pay from local income at separate rates. For example, in the north -wrapped, rental tax for non -residents is 10% (retained at the source). Dividends and interest of foreigners are not taxed inside TRK, but when it is withdrawn to Turkey - 10-15%. For residents, dividends are included in the total income , or 15% are finally taxed in corporate tax

Fortunately, the majority of expanses on the north -cupre are earning outside the country, so that local income tax does not apply to them (they are not recognized by tax residents of TRK, if they do not spend there> 183 days officially with registration).

VAT (value added tax). Albania has a single VAT 20% for goods and services. There are 0% benefits for exports and 6% for the tourist sector (hotels, agrotourism). In VAT restaurants, 20% is already included in the prices. Northern Cyprus uses the Turkish VAT system (KDV) , the standard rate was 16% for years , from 2023 it was increased to 18% (in accordance with Turkey). But many products have reduced rates: 5% on products, 8% per medicine, etc. A special case is real estate: VAT 5% for new housing we have already mentioned.

Interestingly, in the Northern Cyprus they periodically change bets: for example, in 2022 they wanted to increase VAT to 54 positions of goods, but canceled after protests.

In Southern Cyprus, the UPA is 19%, so the prices are lower in TRK. In Albania, 20% is slightly higher, but for tourists it is not significant, because Food, transport is cheaper.

Inheritance tax. Albania introduced the inheritance tax 2% (according to rumors), but now this topic is irrelevant - for the closest relatives there is virtually no tax. The inheritance is not officially taxed (there are only fees for registration). Northern Cyprus, following the example of the South, does not charge inheritance tax - in Cyprus hereditary tax was abolished back in 2000

That is, it is possible to transfer property to children without taxes both there and there (only notarial expenses).

Investment and business taxation. In Albania, a corporate income tax is 0% for small businesses (up to 14 million lecture turnover ~ € 130k) and 15% for a large (since 2023)

Dividends, as said, is 8%. % of the deposits are taxed 15%. Cryptocurrencies are not yet regulated - the tax can interpret as ordinary income (15%). In Northern Cyprus, companies pay 10% income tax + 15% “income” (total ~ 23.5%, similar to Turkish 25%). Dividends to the owners are subject to will: either are considered already paid through these 15%, or an individual includes them in their tax. An important advantage of TRSK is not currency control : the accounts can be in any currency, the profit is to be transferred abroad freely (although transfers go through Turkey). Albania also removed almost all currency restrictions, but transactions above certain amounts are monitored.

Other taxes. In Albania, real estate tax : very low (0.05% per year from assessment value)

Immigrantinvest.com is actually a communal fee. Auto tax - fixed depending on the volume of the engine (for example, € 150 per year for 2.0 l). There are no special fees for luxury. permanent property tax in Northern Cyprus , but the owners of the apartments pay a fee for servicing the complex (~ € 50–100/year in addition to rent). Car tax during import-duty 15-40% depending on the volume, plus the annual road collection ~ ₺600 ($ 20) and insurance.

Comparison of tax regimes (Albanian Riviera vs. Northern Cyprus)

Tax categoryAlbania (Riviera: Vlet, Saranda)Northern Cyprus
Evalic income taxProgressive scale: salaries are taxed at rates of 0–23%, while other income (dividends, interest, rent, capital profits) are taxed with a single tax of ~ 15%. Since 2024, the dividend tax rate has been reduced to 8% kpmg.com .Progressive scale up to ~ 37% for residents GRS.com.tr. However, income from real estate rental is usually taxed separately at fixed rates (see rental tax ). , additional taxes on dividends are not charged (profitable taxation of profit is limited by corporate tax) GRS.com.tr.
VAT (value added tax)The standard VAT rate is 20% . A reduced 6% rate is used in tourism (placement) to stimulate the Monitor.al .Standard VAT rate - 16% Timondro.com . Peters-estate.com is charged ; In resale (secondary market), VAT is usually not used by Elitesinerji.com .
Real estate tax (ownership)The annual real estate tax is low. For residential facilities, the rate is ~ 0.05% of the estimated value per year, for commercial - 0.2%. Rates are installed by municipalities; A small fixed land fee is also charged (for city plots, about 120-200 thousand All per ha).The annual tax fixed by area: about 3 Turkish lire per 1 m² of residential real estate per year (symbolic amount). For commercial real estate, the companies pay ~ 1% of income as part of the corporate tax elitesinerji.com . In general, property tax in the North. Cyprus is very low, which attracts investors.
Lease income tax15% - final tax on rental income (holds at the source) Globalpropertyguide.com . In fact, net income from an individual's lease is taxed at a fixed rate of 15%.8–13% - the tax is maintained from gross income from the lease. The rate depends on the currency: 8% if the rent is paid in Turkish lies, and 13% , if in foreign currency (GBP, USD, EUR, etc.) mondaq.com . (Most contracts with foreigners are nominated in currency, therefore, in practice, the rate is 13%.) The tax is paid monthly or the advance period for the entire lease term.
Real estate sale tax15% for capital growth - a tax on profit from the sale of real estate for individuals Globalpropertyguide.com . The base is the difference between the sale price and documented purchase/improvement costs. It is held as the final tax during the transaction.~ 2.8–3.5% of the cost - the so -called tax on the sale is paid by the seller at a fixed rate. A private seller pays about 3.5% (from the sale price) Busybeesestateagents-cluprus.net , while in your life you can use the benefit and sell one object without tax. For companies (“professional sellers”), the rate is higher (~ 6.25%). In addition, when selling, the buyer pays a one -time fee to transfer the title (see below).
Dividend and investment taxDividends from Albanian companies are subject to 8% (since 2024) kpmg.com . Interest, royalties, income from securities and other investment income of individuals - at a total rate of 15%. Investments in securities, etc. are considered as investment income and are also taxed 15%.Dividends obtained from the companies of the Northern Cyprus are usually not taxed by the shareholder - the total tax burden is taken into account at the company's level (10% corporate + 15% income income, total ~ 23.5% ) GRS.com.tr. Interest and other investment income for residents is included in the total income and fall under the general progressive scale (max. ~ 37%). However, for non-residents, preferential regimes (offshore companies, exemption from dividends and VAT taxes in free zones , etc.) make investments attractive.

The result of taxes: Albania looks attractively low on investment rates (8-15%) and simplicity. However, the load there can reach the salaries there to 23%. Northern Cyprus offers low taxes for companies and the absence of some taxes (for inheritance, for luxury), but for an individual resident, progression can give up to 35%. However, most of the expanses do not formally become tax residents of TRK, using the country only as a place of residence without the transfer of tax domicia.

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8. Infrastructure and technology: transport, roads, electric cars

Road quality and transport. Albania was historically famous for bad roads, but the situation improves. The track from tyrants to flights is a modern highway with two stripes in each direction (part of the SH4 corridor). From the flights to the locust there is a picturesque mountain road (Lilogar Pass) - it is asphalt, but narrow and winding, requires experienced driving. In Vler and Saranda themselves, the road network is satisfactory, although the courtyards and sledges can be non -accelerated. Parking spontaneous, overloaded in the season.

Public transport - buses and minibuses without a schedule, often old minibuses. There are no railways south at all (in Albania there is one route in the north). Taxi is available and inexpensive (travel around the city € 2–5). Northern Cyprus inherited good roads from the British: between Nicosia, Kurenia and Famagusto, wide highways with markings were laid (part-4-lane). A 2-lane highway of good quality is in the remote carpaz, the last kilometers are narrow asphalt. Roads in TRK 2/3 are asphalt

en.wikipedia.org , the rest are primers to the villages. Lighting tracks are around cities. The main nuance is left -handed movement (a consequence of the British influence), which must be used to. There are relatively few cars, traffic jams only during peak hours of Nicosia. Public transport - rare minibuses between the main cities, few schedules. Almost everyone moves to the car. Taxi work (in tourist areas you can catch, prices are approximately 10 TL/km, i.e. $ 0.35/km). Walking on foot is poorly developed, cities are built for cars. In Albania, on the contrary, people often walk on foot (there are small distances in small cities), though the sidewalks are not everywhere.

The speed and availability of the Internet. We partially covered this question: in Albania, high -speed Internet is quite affordable - 4G everywhere, broadband access is back to normal. In a large city like Skoder, the average speed is up to 84 Mbit/s.

On the Riviera, of course, there may be malfunctions: for example, in the summer months the locust is overloaded, mobile Internet sometimes sags in the evenings, home - too. But in general, the country caught up with the neighbors in digitalization. Northern Cyprus is behind: 5G is not yet (even in Turkey 5G they are only launched from 2023). 4G is in cities, but between them the signal can fall to 3g. Home Internet: Many use radio points (the antenna on the roof catches a provider’s signal)-a speed of 5–20 Mbps, a high delay, because Traffic goes through Turkey. In Nicosia North, fiber -optic providers appear, offering 50-100 Mbps, but expensive. But electricity in Cyprus is supplied more stable than in Albania: there are frequent shutdowns at thunderstorms. In Albania, interruptions fight interruptions - if earlier shutdown of light were regular, now they are rare

Unless in distant villages. In the Northern Cyprus, there are sometimes fan shutdown in the summer, when an overload, or accidents - but the authorities even buy electricity from the southern Cyprus to support the network.

Electric cars and charging stations. Here is a clear advantage of Northern Cyprus . Turkey is actively promoting electric cars (produces its Togg), and north of the Kipre already in 2023, at least 44 Zes charger stations throughout the territory plus Incharyge network stations about 10 points

. That is, EV owners can travel around TRK, having access to charging (more often these are fast DC stations 50 kW for hotels, gas stations and cities). The increase in gas prices in 2022–23 spurred interest: there are more and more electric vehicles.

There are Tesla (bargained from Dubai) and Nissan Leaf (from Japan). In Albania, EV is a rarity: according to Electromaps, for the whole country only 5 charging stations

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Electromaps.com (in 2022). Mostly in tyrant and Durres. On the Riviera, perhaps 1-2 private charging at hotels. The electric car in Albania is unprofitable - the electricity is cheap, but there is no infrastructure, and the car is expensive. Most travel on old diesel engines. So eco-transport is developing faster in Cyprus. In addition, the TRK government reduced the customs duty on electric cars to 0%, stimulating the import. Albania does not provide any benefits yet (and the average income does not allow the broad masses to buy Tesla).

Other technologies. Both countries are now covered with 4G LTE . In Albania, operators start 5G tests (Vodafone albania received frequencies), commercial launch is expected in 2024–25. There is no talk of 5G in the Northern Cyprus Smart services of the state: Albania introduces E-albania-a portal of public services where citizens can receive certificates online. The northern Cyprus is less advanced here: much in the old fashioned way, although basic things (payment for fines, submission to a residence permit) go online (E-Devlet website is integrated with Turkish). Cashless payments: cash are popular in Albania, but you can pay with a card in many places (especially from tourists they take €). In TRSK, more cache (due to instability of Lyra, people prefer cash in currency or transfers to Turkish accounts).

We summarize, infrastructure : the road network in TRK is a little better, digital infrastructure is better in Albania, electric cars are northern kipr ahead. Both regions are invested in development, but their scale is different.

9. Social sphere: health, longevity, education, sport

Life expectancy. Albania has achieved good healthcare indicators: the average life expectancy is ~ 78.6 years (men ~ 74, women ~ 79)

This is higher than in some EU EU countries. Northern Cyprus is not always separately considered, but the data is: the expected duration of 78 years in men and 83 for women - an average of about 80.5 years , almost like in South Cyprus. The reasons are good climate and diet, low stress. Thus, the inhabitants of both places live for a long time , especially women in Cyprus.

Poverty level. Albania is a country with a considerable level of poverty: according to the nat. The criteria of about 22% of the population lives behind the poverty line (2019).

These are mainly rural residents, unemployed. The government aims to reduce to 15%. Northern Cyprus officially does not publish such data, but according to social services, 16–20% of the population can be attributed to vulnerable groups (especially the family of immigrants from Turkey with low qualifications). However, the extreme poverty is rare there - Türkiye subsidies, and the standard of living is closer to the European average.

Medicine and insurance. Albania has a state healthcare system, nominally free for citizens. However, the quality in the province is low: lack of equipment, doctors often leave to work abroad. Therefore, the private sector is growing: clinics in a tyrant, Durres, provide paid services, but at a price is much lower than in the West (for example, a specialist has € 30, a blood test € 5). Foreigners can buy local medical insurance in private companies, or use international. In Northern Cyprus, citizens receive free treatment in state illnesses, but medications often need to be bought. For foreigners, medical insurance at a residence permit - usually this is a local policy covering basic cases (cost ~ € 100 per year, coating to ₺100k). Honestly, he is useful only for small problems. Many expanses prefer to have Turkish or international insurance, in the event of a serious illness, go to a private clinic or evacuate. The availability of medicine : in Albania and Trsk, in an emergency (injury, heart attack), assistance will provide assistance - the ambulance will come, hospitalize. In Albania, an ambulance can go for a long time due to roads, in Cyprus faster. Complex operations - it is better to do outside (Albania sends to Turkey/Italy, Northern Cyprus to Turkey).

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Education (schools, universities). Albania has high literacy (97.6%). School education is free 9-year (plus 3 years of secondary school at will). In the regions, schools suffer from underfunding, but basic knowledge is given. There are a couple of international schools in a tyrant (GDQ, Montessori) for expat children, with prices ~ $ 5–10k per year. There are no such establishments in Vletor and Saranda - foreigners either hire private teachers or send them to a tyrant. Universities: the main - Tiran, also polytechnic, medical. They are not in the top 1000 world, but graduates are competitive in the region. Many go to study in Italy, Turkey on scholarships. Northern Cyprus literally lives on the export of education: tens of thousands of students from Turkey, Africa, Asia study at 20 universities. The largest - Near East University, Eastern Mediterranean University - have campuses, technical faculties, teaching in English. The cost is lower than in Europe (for example, $ 5000 per year + often scholarships -50%). Diplomas are not world -famous, but accredited in Turkey and partially in the EU. For explosion children, Cyprus offers several English -speaking schools (Gau School, Doğa Koleji) - for example, in Cyrian, with Cambridge igcse programs. The prices are moderate. Thus, for families with school -age children, the northern Cyprus is more adapted (there is a choice of English -language learning), while on the Albanian Riviera would have to either go to the Albanian school, or remotely.

Sports and a healthy lifestyle. Both regions encourage outdoor activeness: the sea has fresh air, a lot of fruits, sun. In Albania, people traditionally walk a lot (evening promenade - Xhiro - a popular ritual). Halls and fitness appeared: in Saranda and Vlera there are several simulators (subscription ~ € 20-30). Yoga and Pilates of the studio are rare, but in the summer season visiting instructors conduct classes on the beach. In Northern Cyprus in each city, a bunch of fitness clubs (thanks to students): modern halls with coaches, group classes (yoga, zumba)-a subscription ~ € 30–40 per month. Locals love sports: football - sports No. 1 (have their own league TRSK, though not recognized by FIFA), basketball, volleyball are popular. Also water sport : diving, surfing (in Albania - Kaiteserfing in Vleer, Snorkeling; in Cyprus - diving, kite on the east coast). For running and cycling: in Albania there are no bike paths outside the embankments, it is dangerous on the roads; On Cyprus, some highways are equipped with roadside, there are few cyclists, but the relief allows you to ride. Ecology and healthy lifestyle: both there and there are a lot of fresh products (see paragraph 11), the Mediterranean diet (olive oil, fish, vegetables) contributes to longevity. In Albania, the problem is garbage and pollution : so far not perfectly with processing, you can see landfills along the roads. In Cyprus, a little better, although also far to the ideal (part of the waste is exported to Turkey). But there is no strong industrial pollution there or there: the air is clean, except for the exhaust of the car.

Bottom line: socially northern Cyprus looks more developed in education and sports, Albania - there is no difference in medicine (both are behind the EU). Poverty is more in Albania, but at the same time there is strong mutual assistance, people are used to getting out. The Kilians are more secured, and social support comes from Turkey (Pensions pays Ankara, etc.).

10. Culture and society: language, religion, ecology

Languages. Albania is a mono -speaking country: Albanian (Shkip) - native for ~ 98% of the population. A Greek minority lives in the south (Saranda), there are many bilinguals (Albanian and Greek). Also, due to tourism, many understand the Italian (in Vleer, the Italian television was caught for many years, plus emigration to Italy-therefore, the generation of 40+ speaks Italian). English quickly gaining popularity among youth and in business circles - in tourist places to explain without problems. Northern Cyprus is officially Turkish (Cyprus dialect of Turkish). But English is very common: Turko-Kipriota taught him at school (British legacy), many signs are duplicated. The Russian language is not official, but due to the surge of Russian-speaking customers of housing, its influence is growing-in Cyrian you can find a menu in Russian, and some real estate agents speak freely on it. Nevertheless, to communicate with TRSK state bodies, you need Turkish or English. Greek language in the northern part is almost not used, with the exception of the villages of the Maronites (there the old people speak Cyprus Arabic and Greek).

Religion. The population of Albania is religiously diverse, but generally secular. According to the census, ~ 56.7% Muslims (mainly Sunnis, as well as the Order of Bektashi) ~ 17% Christians (10% Catholics, 7% Orthodox)

In the southern regions there are more Orthodox (Greeks by origin), in the northern - Catholics (historical ties with Italy). Muslims of Albania are one of the most moderate: religion does not affect life little, many do not fast, do not prohibit alcohol. Often you can see mosques and churches nearby - tolerance is high. Northern Cyprus is almost completely Muslim (about 95% Turkish-Sunnita Turks)

But thanks to Kemalist influence, the country is secular: religion is not advertised in official institutions, women are not required to be covered (in cities only 10-15% in hijab, in the villages there are larger). There are small Christian communities: Maronites (c. 150 people in the villages of Koruchs/Kormakitis), Orthodox (several old people in Rizokarpaso) - they are allowed to support their churches. In general, beer, wine flows freely both in Albania and TRK, nightclubs work - no theocratic norms. At the same time, respect for religious holidays: Albania celebrates both Christmas and Kurban-Bayram (weekends), and Northern Cyprus-Turkish holidays (Ramadan-Bayram, etc.), Christmas unofficially.

Public values ​​and culture. Albanian society is patriarchal, strong family ties. Guests are always happy: the tradition of Besa - this promise of the guest’s defense is still strong. National pride are the heroes of the scanderbeg and the modern epic (for example, singer Dua Lipa - ethnic Albank, she is very honored). Young people dress in European fashion, in a tyrant, club life is seething. In the summer, music festivals are arranged in the summer (for example, Albanian Riviera Festival-electric music on the beach). The northern Cyprus is also friendly, but more relaxed: Turco-kipriots are known for leisurely (the concept of “Cyprus time” can be late and this is normal). They like to sit in a cafe with Turkish coffee and conversation. Life in Turkish is oriented: large weddings (with dancing for drums), beloved occupation-barbecue in nature. In university cities, culture is international: student festivals , days of African culture are held, etc. There is a certain isolation -Turco-kipriotes feel like a separate community, proudly speak of their island heritage. Albanians, on the contrary, seek to integrate into the world, learn languages, emigrate thousands.

Environmental atmosphere. The environment in Albania is beautiful, but the ecology suffers from the human factor. There is a problem with waste disposal: many illegal landfills. The rivers are sometimes polluted by wastewater (for example, near the depths of the bay sometimes “blooms” from discharges). The government with the help of the EU launches treatment facilities, but so far slowly. Fortunately, in places of low density (on the Riviera) there is no strong pollution - the sea is clean.

The water in cranes is often technical (not drinking), but a bottle of 5 liters costs € 1.7 albania.kalemi.com , so everyone is buying drinking. Air: in cities there is from cars - in Albania the average age of cars is ~ 20 years, the plants are not strict. However, the sea breeze cleans the air of the coast. In Northern Cyprus, there are no large factories at all - the largest source of CO2 emissions is a diesel power plant in Kaletsik (near Famagusta), and they plan to modernize. There is sometimes smoke near it. The rest is clean. Garbage in TRK is collected, but processing is limited - part is sent to Turkey, part is burned. The streets are cleaner than in Albania, but worse than in the EU. A big plus of Cyprus - there are no traffic jams and exhausts in large quantities , and the wind from the sea provides good ventilation. Nature is protected: for example, beaches of turtles under protection, carpaz forests - a reserve for donkeys

There are also reserves in Albania, but the poaching and deforestation were a problem (now it is forbidden to cut down the forest for 10 years to restore the green cover).

Cultural heritage and modernity. Albania is a mixture of medieval castles, Ottoman traditions and communist relics (bunkers across the country). This delights tourists - authenticity. Northern Cyprus is also a mixture: ancient mosaics, Gothic cathedrals converted into mosques, colonial British houses. But modern architecture in TRK is chaotic - many new high -rise buildings. Albania built up the coast also quickly - Saranda is all in new white houses.

In general, society : Albania is a Balkan country with a guarantor and a Italo, northern Kipr -a Turkish society with a British shade. Both are friendly and relatively pure environmentally friendly, although not impeccable in terms of EU standards.

11. Local products: vegetables, fruits, milk, meat

Vegetables, fruits, greens. Both Albanian Riviera and Northern Cyprus are located in a fertile Mediterranean climate rich in crops. In Albania, agriculture is a large sector, many families grow products for sale. In the markets, flights and locusts have fresh vegetables all year round: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, eggplant - especially tasty in summer (almost all ground). Albanian watermelons and melons (a huge abundance in the summer, there are pennies), citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines) in the winter season are brought from neighboring Greece or from the Albanian south. Grapes, figs, grenades, cherries - everything is local in season. Greens - parsley, dill, handle, basil - are sold by bunches for cents. Moreover, the quality is very high : there is no intensive use of chemistry, much is actually organic (small farmers cannot allow expensive fertilizers). Albanian tomatoes are famous for the taste - they are even exported. In the Northern Cyprus, they also grow a lot:

  • In the Morfu area - citrus plantations , oranges, grapefruit of excellent quality (were famous in the entire Mediterranean). The orange festival is noted annually.
  • Mesaria is grown potatoes - Cyprus young potatoes are exported hundreds of tons.
  • Everywhere: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, salad - as in Turkey. But due to water deficiency, some of the vegetables and fruits are imported from Turkey (for example, bananas, apples, onions-if there is no one in the season). Prices in TRK markets are slightly higher than in Turkey, but still affordable: say, tomatoes are ~ 10 TL/kg ($ 0.35). Albanian in the market could be 50 lecture/kg ($ 0.45). The variety of greens is slightly smaller in Cyprus - parsley, mint, dill, but there is no vinegar or stray. However, a wild edible is growing: Kappar (buds are collected in the spring), a wild man . In general, both regions are paradise for lovers of fresh vegetables and fruits .

Dairy products. Albanian cuisine is rich in milk: white cheese (such as Brynza, in the place of Djathë I Bardhë ) is made of sheep or cow's milk-tasty, slightly salt. Pumpal (half -stroke cheese) is also common. Yogurt ( kos ) - almost every day is consumed, very high quality and thick (similar to Greek). Milk is sold pasteurized packaged (local brands). The choice in the store : large enough - both local cheeses, and imported (Italian Mozarella, for example, is also found). People are satisfied with quality, as cows and sheep graze on natural feeds.

In Northern Cyprus, the main dairy product - of course, the cheese of Hallumi (Hellim) . It is made from a mixture of goat and cow's milk, in each store dozens of options. Cyprus Khallumi is known throughout the world, and the northern factories produce tons (though export is legally difficult, so they eat themselves or through Turkey supplied). Yogurt is also popular - it is eaten with honey or like a sauce (Jajik, an analogue of Dzadziki). There are many Turkish cheeses on sale: Beyaz Peynir (Brynza) of different varieties, kaşar (semi -coil, similar to porridge) - they will be taken from the mainland, but they are inexpensive. There are goats and sheep farms in Cyprus (for hallumi).

Milk is mainly UHT from Turkey, but there is also local, pasteurized. The quality of dairy products is good, although some note that in the heat in the summer, milk spoils faster than in Europe. A specific product in Cypriots is a festation (Tarhana) : a dried mixture of sour milk and wheat, then soup is boiled from it - an analogue of Turkish Tarkhana. In general, the assortment of milk is similar , just in Albania there is more orluorus (for example, they make their own products the ice cream of Jalato and Ricotta), and in Cyprus-Turkish-red-Eastern (curd is not in use, instead of it, soft cheese labna). The expanses there and there will easily find the usual: in Albania - yogurt, in Cyprus - cottage cheese, etc.

Meat products. Traditionally, Albania consumes a lot of lamb and goat . Dish number 1 - lamb on a spit. Therefore, the quality of the lamb is excellent (sheep is fed grass in the mountains). beef , but good grain fattening is a rarity - mainly lean meat. Often imported beef from Brazil for supermarkets. Pork in Albania is available, although Muslims are the majority, but the attitude is calm. In the supermarket, you can buy a pork neck, chopping - Christian farmers are engaged in pig farming. Pork Pwoise of Prisutto (in the north is produced).

Sausages : there are a couple of local graves and sausages, but many prefer imports (Italian salami, German sausages - they are available). Market trade in meat is poorly developed - usually in stores or meat shops. In Northern Cyprus, as in Muslim society, pork is not sold in ordinary stores . However, since there are a lot of expanses, in some specialized shops (for example, Mr.Pork in Girne), you can buy pork and bacon brought from the south. Local Turks themselves do not eat pork.

But lamb, beef, chicken - in abundance. Meat prices rose because of the lyre, but in the currency is still inexpensive: for example, chicken breast ~ ₺80/kg ($ 2.8), beef ~ ₺300/kg ($ 10). Sausages : In Turkey and TRSK, Suzhuk - sharp sausages from beef dried, and shepherd - dried beef fillets with spices. These delicacies can be found in the bazaar. Turkish boiled sausages (Analogue of Boloney) are also made - but they are not very European gourmets. Chicken and eggs : in Albania and Cyprus, their poultry farms are fresh eggs, fresh chickens are always on shelves. Fish is not meat, but we mention: the Albanian Riviera - there are a lot of fish (sardines, dorada, kefal), and in Trsk - also (Lavrak, Tsipura, Tuna). Fisheries in both are gorgeous.

Choice in stores. Albania gradually expands the assortment: now the tofu can be found in a tyrant and lactose milk. But the Riviera is simpler. Northern Cyprus due to imports from Turkey has an amazing assortment: for example, the Turks produce both Kamamber and Local Parmesan - all this is imported. And of course eastern things: camel milk in chocolate, goat cheeses with herbs ...

General quality of food. Both regions value naturalness. Locals often prepare at home from fresh ingredients. The Albanians are famous for their olive oil - in the south there are groves, cold spin oil can be bought directly from peasants (tasty and inexpensive). Northern Cyprus also produces olive oil, but in small volumes - part is imported from Turkey. Honey: Albanian mountain honey is excellent, and Cyprus (citrus, thyme) too. Bread: In Albania, white bread, cakes, loafs are baked - a hundred years of tradition. In Cyprus of bread, choice (Lavash Turkish, Bageta, Lavosh).

Thus , living in Albania and in Northern Cyprus, you will be provided with fresh products all year round . In Albania, perhaps more greenery (wild career, portulak, etc.), and in Cyprus - more special (Sumy, coriander) is used. The quality of the meat and blank is similar, with honors on pork. Fruits: unique in Cyprus - junk (cherry plum) and a corner (an ore tree, make a syrup), in Albania - a risk (paradise apples) and fig jams. But these are Gourngee details.

Conclusion. Albanian Riviera and Northern Cyprus - two Mediterranean corners with a warm climate, sea and hospitable population, but differing in their color and conditions. Albania is an almost European country with low prices, the prospect of EU membership and a violently growing tourist flow; Northern Cyprus is a quiet “island” living according to Turkish laws, but with a British heritage and restrained charm. The priorities when choosing depend on the goals: Albania will offer a more pristine nature and cheapness relaxation For the relocation of youth and removal of Albania, it may be interesting to be an opportunity in the future to get an EU residence permit, and northern Cyprus is ease of life, safety and an English -language environment. In any case, both locations give the Mediterranean sun, fresh fruits, the gentle sea and a lot of new impressions - it is not for nothing that their popularity is growing every year.

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